Barista pouring Flat White coffee

Exploring The Difference: Latte vs Flat White?

Given the number of espresso beverages available, menus at your local coffee shop can be daunting. If you love coffee, you've probably heard of two very popular coffee drinks: the flat white and the latte. But have you ever thought about the difference between a latte and a flat white? 

Since they look identical and are both made with espresso and milk, it's no surprise that coffee drinkers confuse the two. However, when it comes to flat white v latte, there are a number of differences in the quantity of milk and the way it is prepared. 

Let’s take a closer look at the latte versus the flat white. 

What is a Flat White? 

A flat white is a regular sized espresso drink with two shots of ristretto (30ml coffee), which is a more concentrated espresso that is both powerful and sweet, topped with milk foam on top.

The steamed milk on top of a flat white is known as 'microfoam.' The microfoam froth is then carefully poured over the top of the espresso to give it a smooth, velvety finish. 

A flat white is typically 190ml, whereas a latte is usually 240ml. The flat white is smaller and more condensed than a latte, giving it a stronger coffee flavour.

Origin of Flat White

The exact origin of the flat white is unknown. Australia claims to have invented the flat white in Sydney in 1985. New Zealand also claims they invented the coffee beverage in 1989 after botching an espresso.

Despite the ongoing discussion, the flat white has undoubtedly become a powerful coffee beverage in the UK and around the world.

What is a Latte? 

A latte is prepared with a single (30ml) or sometimes double shot of espresso, steamed milk and foamed milk on top. The addition of steamed milk to the espresso creates a thick and creamy texture with a more mild espresso flavour.

So if you want a less intense espresso flavour, a latte is the way to go. They can be served hot or cold and can also come in a variety of flavours such as caramel and vanilla by adding your favourite syrups. 

Origin of Latte

The term is derived from the Italian caffè e latte, which translates to "coffee and milk." When Americans visited Italy, they found espresso to be too bitter and strong, so baristas added warm milk to make a more pleasant and sweeter drink. 

Latte v Flat White 

So what is the main difference between a latte and a flat white? A latte is created with steamed milk and topped with a coating of milk foam. A flat white is produced by pouring a smaller amount of steamed milk over the espresso. 

A latte is a beverage filled with more heated milk and milk foam, whereas a flat white just has a thin layer of foam on the top. 

Since a latte contains more milk, the end result is a sweeter drink with a less robust coffee flavour.

Do you want to prepare a flat white or a latte in your own home? With our Specialty Coffee Beans from Di Stefano, you can make the best-tasting coffee beverage with rich, delectable flavour.

Shop our Specialty Coffee Beans today to improve your coffee experience today!